12 January 2024
A sea of music 1440-1880 is an emotional show created and directed by Jordi Savall, a tribute to the more than 25 million people enslaved for almost four centuries. The programme fuses living music that still resonates in the traditions of the descendants of those slaves, with European Renaissance and Baroque pieces. Works by composers such as Gaspar Fernandes, Diego Duron and Juan Gutiérrez de Padilla are intertwined with African and American heritage. Jordi Savall, together with the Capella Reial de Catalunya and Hespèrion XXI, and guest musicians from different corners of the world, weaves a musical narrative that honours the memory of this human tragedy. Music becomes a beacon of comfort and hope, remembering a story marked by suffering but also by resilience and survival.
Culture and leisure
All audiences
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