22 to 23 November
Gran Canaria
The Teatro Pérez Galdós presents a children's adaptation of the iconic opera 'Swan Lake', composed by the renowned Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. The story follows Prince Siegfried, who, pressured by his mother to marry for convenience, discovers true love in Odette, a young woman transformed into a swan by an evil spell. Together, they must face the formidable Rothbart and his daughter Odile, the black swan, who will try to prevent true love from breaking the spell. With moving music and a captivating narrative, this adaptation offers a magical and educational experience for the whole family, exploring themes of love, bravery, and overcoming obstacles. 'Swan Lake', one of the great artistic contributions of Imperial Russia, remains one of the most emblematic works in the world of ballet.
Babies / Infants
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